Annual Care Plan

Providing You With a Proactive Solution to Your Health and Training.

Our Annual Care Plan allows you to be seen when your pain first occurs. You no longer have to wait months to be seen by your PCP or Orthopedist to get a referral. In the state of Maine, you can be seen by a physical therapist through Direct Access. This plan offers the opportunity to check in with your PT or massage therapist monthly or bi-monthly to keep things running smoothly and address pain BEFORE you have stop the activities you love.

Why our Annual Care Package is Right for YOU

  • Imagine being able to get your questions answered and address your concerns immediately without referrals, additional doctors visits, imaging, or wait lists BEFORE injuries begin. This plan allows you to be seen bi monthly throughout the year with your physical therapist.

  • Reach out to your physical therapist when discomfort first starts to allow you to continue training seamlessly. When symptoms are addressed early, you can decrease costs spent on unnecessary medical services and spend more time developing a plan focused on YOUR goals to make you a more resilient athlete!

  • Just like your dentist helps hold you accountable with brushing and flossing, we are here to educate you on healthy consistent training habits and empower you to chase your goals.

  • Our indoor treadmill and strength classes are designed to meet all of your performance needs to take your training to the next level.

  • Physical Therapy sessions can include injury assessments, running and movement assessments, manual therapy, dry needling, exercise progressions, and discussion about your training plan to ensure you are on the right track. Clients have the option to have these sessions in person or virtually if they frequently travel or have a need that develops while on vacation. As a ACP member you will receive discounts on massage services and additional physical therapy sessions or classes.

Take Control of Your Own Health and Wellness.