Marcela Criado (She/Her)

Marcela is a physical therapist, certified strength and conditioning specialist, novice runner, and self-proclaimed ball of energy. Her passion for movement and exercise has been building since she was a little kid – started as a dancer growing up, transitioned to lifting and group exercise classes in college,
recently (2 years ago exactly) started her running journey after signing up for a marathon. Who knows where her passion might take her next!

Marcela graduated with a B.S. in Kinesiology and a minor in Nutrition from Penn State and a DPT from Boston University. When she is not coaching, Marcela is treating the geriatric and neurological population at a local physical therapy clinic, getting to know Maine (she is new to the state, welcome!), trying different restaurants and coffee shops, and enjoying quality time with friends.

Marcela believes in the power of knowing your “why” and using that to potentiate your fitness journey. She is looking forward to welcoming you to the Starting Line family.

Favorite Race: Chicago Marathon 2022, first marathon (and only one yet) - running along 40,000 other runners, enjoying every moment as much as possible, it was a moment I will never forget!

Least Favorite Race: BAA 10k, summer racing is tough….

Favorite Running Memories: Running through a snowstorm in Boston with my roommate, running the Guatemala 21k (half marathon) - first time I got to run in my home country and it was extremely special and magical.

Starting Line I Have My Eye On: Mount Desert Island Marathon

Instagram: @marce_dpt